Journey  to Belize with Amb. RaDine
Spend 5 days in Belize  for only $500
November 2020-March 2021
excluding airfare, traveling expenses & Tour package 

 Experiencing indigenous America
Many people have asked to accompany me abroad on my many trips through the Americas. My explorations have seasoned me as a world traveler, and I have had wonderful experiences living with indigenous peoples in many countries. The trip will consist of  exploring Belize; it will include travel by air, water, and land. This adventure will include staying in cities, towns and villages. The trip will include,Swimming Snorkeling Boating Canoeing, fishing on the cays, cave excursions, visits to Mayan/Olmec temples, shopping in Guatemala , and the chance to eat and live a few days in the life of other indigenous people in other parts of our homeland. The adventure will give us new perceptions and insights in to the larger world and what part we share as a part of it. Traveling thru countries gives a person a experience for a life time. Experiences a regular tourist can never imagine. OrPeople can come down to learn how to live indigenously . I am coordinating the  building of our first building at our international location in Morphdie, Belize . The building  is a indigenous cottage. On  this trip  the completion of the clay walls, installing the electrical, water containment system and a out door kitchen with oven is our goal Come prepared to get dirty, and hang out,. Cost $20.00 a dayThis adventure is not for people who can not accommodate themselves with change and simpler life styles.. This is not a cruise. All people will be living and traveling as the people of the country. The adventure is not for people with special needs.
Adventure cost as follows:$350 for 5 days includes boarding and guide,Budget $25- $50.00 per day( food,drink, play money) and extra $$$ for special activities of your choice US Passport required.
To reserve your dates contact the office:304-212-2362 or email before Nov 10th .
Traveling in Belize
 There can be many choices on what kind of adventure you can experience while in Belize. Depending on your physical endurance , whether you like walking or need to lay it back to taking bus trips , your journey will be a experience you will remember for a life time.Best air  fare dates are during the week. I travel during the week for my departure and return.Our home base  is located in Punta Gorda, Belize .Adventures with RaDine
Punta Gorda Belize
Punta Gorda is a town in Belize. P.G is the  local name. Punta Gorda is the capital of the Toledo District. Punta Gorda is the southernmost sizable town in the nation, with a population of about 6,000 people. Although the town bears a Spanish name, its inhabitants are mostly English-speaking, primarily of Garifuna (Black Carib), East Indian, and creole descent.Punta Gorda is a seaport and fishing town on the Caribbean Sea. It was a small fishing village before being settled by a number of Garifuna emigrants from Honduras in 1823. The town is about fifteen feet above sea level.Punta Gorda P.G., is the main point of transportation for people traveling to, from, or through the Toledo District and other Central American countries.. There is a small airport which serves domestic flights from Maya Island Air. Every May the town hosts the Cacao Festival, which celebrates the history and production of chocolate in the Toledo District
Accommodations  in Belize
As your Host, here is just some basic information about where we will be staying and a list of possible adventures with estimated prices.. Our residence is located on the shoreline, our  veranda overlooks the Caribbean sea, it is equipped with kitchen  and bath and is a short walk from the market, banks, downtown,clubs, internet cafes and all the cool restaurants for Belizean cooking. No internet. I will have a cell phone, and I will try to have wireless internet at our residence depending on the cost to establish the home serve, I may need to ask for a small donation towards the fee. If so , from the donation we will have access to calling the States free of charge. Calling the states can be a very expensive.Eating out in Punta Gourda- is fairly reasonable most meals are less than 10US a day and cab fare is between 5 US and 10 US. Car and Motorcycle rental is available from PG
Choices of Activities to do in Belize
Beach lovers;
Weekend in Hopkins: Hopkins is a Garifuna fishing village originally called Ougadudoo, change to Hopkins in 2000 and is quickly becoming a tourist spot. First placed I stayed when traveling Belize, I met Trish and stayed at her unique hometel have been friends with her ever since. . Hanging out in Hopkins at with Trish at Kismet offers a personal first hand look at the everyday Belizean experience and into the local DRAMA. Trish knows everybody and everyone knows her, Kismet is built on the beach, and is fairly private as long as the locals are not strolling by. Trish makes hot breads and tea every morning and cooks a dinner at night. Hanging out with Trish is a blast and going the cayes with her is an experience to remember. Best time to go to Hopkins is in the beginning of the trip -from the Airport to Punta Gorda. We stay there a couple of days, then catch transportation on to PGEstimated cost ; 25.00us a night taxi-about 20 us each way to get to kismet. Cost: 130.00 US
Punta Negro- Breathtakingly Beautiful
The most breath taking adventure Spending the day and Night in Punta Negro is another journey you will never forget. Punta Negro is a Negro village located on the shore of Belize where there is o commercial contamination. It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The beach is pure sand the waters are un spoiled. It is unspoiled Earth, we get there by boat and go snorkeling, diving for conch shells and cook the conch on the beach , we can stay overnight in the small village for a small fee. The accommodations are simple, and native. , the people are warm and open. Estimated cost 200.00 us ( please note Gas is very expensive in Belize, and is reflected in the cost) Believe me it is worth it!!!!!
Inland Adventures
Traveling to Guatemala by Bus. 
This is an all day excursion, we travel along the interior of southern Belize, We can stop by many waterfalls and ruins. It takes 3 hours to arrive at the Guatemalan border from PG , there are many ruins nearby, in the Ichetal peoples villages. It would take at least a week to visit all the ruins just in this region. Great trip to see the interior. Estimated Cost 30.00US
  Building @ Luk Makoo
Come on Down to get hands on Experience helping  in the development of the  Luk Makoo house and compound. Great way to gt a real insight on how people produce with out westernized tools,, check out photo show :Luk Makoo House
 Cost 20.00 us
Blue Creek & Waterfalls
Blue creek- is located just 5 miles from where FIAAH is building our International center location. and 25 miles from town. There we can go cave tubing and do a cave expedition, spending the day there is wonderful and relaxing After spending a few hours at Blue creek, you will not have a care in the world, Belizian  style, eat drink and be sooooooooooooo happy. Estimated Cost: RTBus 2.00US The waterfalls are located just 1.5 miles from our international center. Once completed a person can jump on the bus to San Antonio, from San Antonio it is a short walk or bike ride to the falls and spend the day wading in the pool underneight the waterfall, in purrrrre fresh water, bring a blanket, a book , some food and slumber in paradise. I stay there for hours wading in the perfectly cool water, you literally have to pull yourself away…… Estimated cost: RTBus 10.00US

Traveling to Guatemala and Honduras
Travel to other countries in Central America can be done fairly inexpensively from Belize. Going to Porto Barrios or Livingston is a good experience for a novice traveler, this trip breaks you into the non tourist side of traveling. You will learn how to work with Immigration customs and money. If you know some Spanish, you will get a chance to use it here. I have some friends I travel with who know the ropes better than I , remember we are Americans and look it, Great prices on Silver, hotels are real cheap and so is food. Estimated cost: 200 us

Belizian Celebrations
There are many more activities depending on when you come, Belizeans are always celebrating and partying . there is a holiday at least twice a month, so much so it is hard to keep up with. November host Settlement day celebrations for the Garifuna People arrival in Belize after being pushed off their home island of St. Vincent by the British. It last for a week ending with the reenactment of their arrival in boats to the shores of Dangriga Belize in 1892.December host Christmas. January is pretty quiet, February has Carnival. Regardless of when you come while I am there you will have an adventure of your lifetime. The cost for staying with me is 350.00 for 5 days and 425.00 for a week. The fee includes accommodations and guide. Come and have fun. Take a break, travel indigenously.

Hope to see you there!!!!!!

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RaDine America aka Wisdom Keeper-

RaDine is a Scholar an teacher for Indigenous Heritage, Principles and Culture. She currently is the Administrative director and teacher for The Institute for Indigenous America Studies and Internationally for the International Institute for Amerindian Heritage and Culture Studies in Belize CA. She is the author of many books, as well as an International representative for Indigenous peoples of America aka Negro Heritage with the Foundation for Indigenous America of Anasazi Heritage F.I.A.A.H. copyright /copy claim- 5/15/2014- American Heritage Trust, F.I.A.A.H