This site is dedicated to all people created by the Earth, who look like Our planet Earth, living in the Americas, who are being persecuted, oppressed, marginalized and stigmatized with the mark of “Death” because of their birth connection to belonging to Life on Earth, in which the World created by Man use for its consumption.
There is a saying: “It’s Our Planet and their world”
May the knowledge contained on these pages start to Awaken America and return your consciousness back to its truth Free…… HO HO
In memorial to the dedication of those before us, living as spirit with us, those who have departed before us.
- Dr. White
- Henry Willis Jr.
- Cecelia Harrison-Bailey
- Jacqueline McDowell
- Empress Verdiacee of Washitaw
- Lincoln Ward
- Theodore Akins
- Blanch Mccain- Hickson- Dudley